Aydin Teker "HarS"

If a centaur is half man half horse, then what do you call half woman half harp? She looks like a mermaid but would probably drown in water.

How much does a harp weigh? About 30 kilos? It must need a fair amount of strength to play it – especially so when keeping the harp in the air, balancing it on your knees. Too bad her abs are covered: the ineluctable choreography of the muscles surely has the intensity of a wire walker in a hurry to meet a loved one.

Or a warrior on the mission, trying to conquer, to own its weapon. How exactly does a harp kill? Not every sound made with an instrument is music but then again: in the black and white emptiness of the stage, mingling with the breaths getting heavier, any sound is a possibility to give your ears some rest. Anyway, not all weapons are meant to be more than self defence, just as no object needs to be used as its crafter intended.

So dive in.

Worst case scenario: you end up with an hour long gymnastics session (and we all know the importance of cardio) but a chance remains to make others applaud at your effort, not even knowing why exactly this tour de force appealed to their emotions.
