First there´s a band rehearsal, guys drinking beer. Big gestures and pre-recorded voices. A song. The screen lights up: seems like a house party with a lot of kissing. Suddenly bunch of youngsters conquer the stage, dancing. Then back to pre-recorded voices and doll-like movements. Women this time. The action shifts between the stage and the screen; the scenes end, start all over again, then there are the dancing teens again. Is there anything left for the audience to de construct?
Hardly, but deconstruction does give Superamas the easy reason and necessary tools to mock the life AD 2008. Our everyday behaviour is over constructed and nobody remembers the intentions it all began with. We talk of getting someone pregnant or sleeping with the personal trainer as it was something happening to the characters of a story once heard, read or seen. And to wash off the inevitability of repeating, to dance the dance of liberation we are more than happy to be fooled into engaging ourselves with group caressing, touring North America or worshipping theories. Like deconstruction.
However with Derrida you enter the territory where the outcome is always exactly the same – with the over exposure of invariants and lack of solutions – so the initial intellectual appreciation is soon replaced by the admittance of defeat. Still, there is something to be gained from this absurd situation as Superamas in-the-matter-of-fact´ly shows. Isn´t laughing a necessity? Probably not but it´s a whole lot better than facing the mirror.