“Empire, Love to Love You, Baby” . The Gonzo** way *

Drags freak me out. They´re just so... brave, walking in their tight-fitting dresses o´er the land so freely. I would never dear. Not that I´d want to, of course. He does, Ricky Seabra. American, fulfilled of patriotism and armed with high heels. He sure does have very nice legs. But wasn't that cellulite I saw by the stage´s shiny light on the back of his thighs? You can have all the sun you want, honey, but not even a tan will hide that! I guess he really is a woman now. Woman in need no less. If they really are raised with cartoons singing the Preamble of the Constitution and divas – I hear you Ricky, I miss Whitney too – performing the anthem at the Super Bowl or whatever it´s called, the rest of the world should give them some break. Especially now with the President-Elect Hussein on the rise. The poor guy has to face so ridiculously high expectations that he will either fail miserably or be shot dead trying. O´, say! what will happen to the star spangled banner then? Who cares? I mean really, entertaining or not but it´s the easiest thing to do: mock the States on stage and get the laughter and applaud through the not-so-perilous fight with the audience´s imperiousness toward everything American. It´s even easier than to find decent porn with active duty soldiers in the internet. Not that I know. And Ricky, it´s obvious that the guy measuring his cock with the Gilette's shaving foam was using the 200 ml bottle and couldn't be more than average – god! you Americans really are gullible, so broaden your stripes and brighten your stars a bit. Not that it would stop any rocket´s red glare or bombs bursting in air. Of course that wasn't what Ricky was trying to say, there´s enough intelligence gallantly streaming under his blond wig – has there ever been a dark-haired drag queen? – to know... What? What were you saying? That Americans are raised as patriots and this is bad or that this has gone on so long that there´s no way back now since “the empire is within all of us”? There was a lot of proud hailing at the greatness of the United States of America underlining the sarcasm and only somewhat gleaming dancing – a drag who can´t dance is like a flag incapable of waving (I could give you some private lessons, Ricky, if you want) – to leave the question hanging next to the up-side-down flag: from what or who would you like us to save you from?

*This article has been written in a FIT Mobile Lab workshop during the Exodos festival in Ljubljana Slovenia.
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